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 Siberian Husky          vs.        Alaskan Malamute


Height: Dogs are 21-23.5 inches at the withers

            Bitches 20-22 inches at the withers

Weight: Dogs 45 to 60 pounds

              Bitches 35 to 50 pounds

Disqualification in AKC conformtion showing: Dogs over 23.5 inches and bitches over 22 inches.

Color: All color, variations, and can have unique markings or splashes.

Eyes: Blue, brown, bi-eyes (one blue eye and one brown eye), and can have parti eyes (where an eye is part blue and part brown)

Gait: Smooth, effortless, quick, and light on their feet.

Coat: Double coat, medium in length.

Expression: Keen, michievous, yet friendly.

Ears: Medium in size, close fitting, and set high on the head.

Back: Straight and strong, with a level topline.

Tail: Fox-brush shape, set just below the level of the topline. Usually carried over the back in a graceful sickle curve. A trailing tail is normal for the dog when in repose.

Purpose: Carrying a light load at a moderate to fast speed over great distances. Structured for power, speed, and endurance.










Desired Height: Dogs are 25 inches at the shoulders

                          Bitches are 23 inches at the shoulders

Desired Weight: Dogs 85 pounds

                           Bitches 75 pounds

These are desired freighting sizes.  However, size consideration should not outweigh that of type, proportion, movement and other functional attributes.

Color: Any shade of gray and white, black and white, red and white and sable and white, and pure white. The ONLY solid color allowable is pure white. Broken colors extending over the body or uneven splashing is undesirable.

Eyes: Brown, dark eyes preferred.

Gait: Steady, balanced, powerful, agile for his size and build.


Coat: Double coat, medium in length (longer down the topline).

Expression: Soft and affectionate.

Ears: Medium in size, small to proportion to the head. Set wide apart.

Back: Straight and glently sloping to the hips.

Tail: Well furred waving plume, carried over the back.

Purpose: Carrying heavy loads over long distances. Structured for strength and endurance.


Most siberian huskies are full of energy and raring to go, while alaskan malamutes are usually a little more laid back. Neither breed should be left unattended off lead, as they are both very prey driven. Both breeds are very intelligent, yet STUBBORN and not recommended for the first time dog owner. Training is of utmost importance with both breeds, as a mutual respect needs to be put in place at a young age to instill what is and what is not acceptable behavior. If you desire a dog that you can rein over, neither the siberian huksy nor the alaskan malamute is the breed for you! A mutual respect between dog and owner is very important.  Both breeds can resort to undesirable activities if not properly physically and mentally stimulated, such as digging, chewing, howling, etc. Both breeds enjoy being a part of your everyday life and if properly trained make wonderful companions. Biking, ski-jorring, weight pulling, sledding, carting, jogging, back-packing, agility, rally events, obedience events, are all things both breeds enjoy partaking in. Both are pack oreinted, while the malamute is more likely to exhibit same sex aggression. However, every malamute does not display this behavior. Neither breed should be trusted or left unattended with cats, small dogs, or other small animals.  Both huskies and malamutes are good with kids, but just as with any dog neither should be left with a small child unattended. 


We advise potetial owners to do as much research as possible before bringing a new puppy home! You want to be prepared and know what is neceassary to ensure bringing up a healthy, happy, desired family dog, while maintaining your family's sanity! Too many times people purchase dogs based on their looks! While huskies and malamutes alike are both incredibly beautiful creatures, they should not be purchased based on looks alone! As breeders, we need to be assured that potential new owners have a full understanding of what is needed to ensure a safe and happy environment for their new puppy.


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Jason and Daniela Mewes



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